Thursday, January 28, 2010

Plastic Vs Paper

Last weeks, PUNE mirror article pointed this.
All pune is set to avoid use of plastic, some shops have already started using paper bags.
Idea ad says Save Paper save tree and many eco-friendly friends will agree to this !!!

Now what shall we do ?

But I feel some Paper reuse is still possible make paper bags out of them, like today's news paper is useless tomorrow.

They say "Necessity is mother of invention" !!!!
We invented plastic, also paper is our invention. Now we will have find a eco-friendly way of utilizing capabilities of those inventions.


  1. No need to invent new space technology...we can use russian solution...use pencil...I mean we already have cloth/nylon bags, and pockets to keep them folded...!

  2. It is not that until plastic bags were invented people did not shop. It is just that the vendor would dole these out as a freebee so nobody bothered to carry their own bags, now that we are forced to people will start carrying their own bags. Bottom line is HUMANS are LAZY by NATURE !!!
