You people might think what I am talking, Did I make a typo (Typing error) while writing the title.
No, I exactly want to say "Medical advances shorten our life". When I say this, it has nothing to do with medical science it is Advancing and people are making greatest of the research possible.
It is the way we use these benefits of the technology makes me say so.
Look back at previous generation; our grand parents, they used to live very healthy life till 70-75 yrs. Look at our parents now 50-60 & have lot of health concerns. Now consider our generation 35-40 and health concerns !!!
The Question comes to my mind with science moving ahead are we going back ?
The answer lies with us, simple cough & cold we take antibiotics, stomach upset we run to a doctor, we know pain killers kill the pain, take pills to sleep well. This is what makes us vulnerable, we can easily catch disease.
Take my word try to avoid self medicating, let your body develop capacity & immunity. That means it is not medical science advances which shorten our lives but it is our approach shortens it !!!
Cheers :)
Have a healthy & wealthy life !!! as health is wealth ;)