Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fear to Fail

Some times a person is very very capable. He knows confidently that he can do any thing & every thing that he wishes to or attempts to do. You feel such person can ever fail ?
Yes, The answer is yes, not because his confidence breaks. The answer is yes, because he does not have "FEAR TO FAIL", thats what some people may also call "OVER-CONFIDENCE".


  1. I would say such a person would never say that they failed, there is a famous Edison quote, when he was experimenting with the light bulb filaments, that comes to my mind :

    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

  2. yes Sakha, as you rightly said so did edison, I have not failed to convey my thoughts correctly "Different people interpret things differently" :)
